Thursday, January 17, 2008

My dream

Today I asked myself, "What exactly is my 'dream' that would happen to my art career? What is my ultimate art-career fantasy?" Well, I did some web research, and I realized what my dream is.

There is currently a trend happening in the art world. Art "speculators" scout hundreds of artists, and then choose about 1% of them. This 1% then experiences immediate, huge financial success and fame. Waiting lists develop for their paintings, galleries fight over them, and they suddenly start selling for $1000s instead of $100s.

Check out the articles below. I "dream" that this happens to me (kinda shallow, aren't I?)

I just wanted to mention that I cannot discern any difference between the artists in these articles that were selected for ultimate success, and any other semi-competent artist. It just seems like some get picked and some don't. Note that the people doing the picking are not art experts; they are business investors like Michael Ovitz.

  • Hot art market stokes prices for artists barely out of teens
  • Warhols of Tomorrow Are Dealers' Quarry Today
  • First Come the Dealers, and Then the Diplomas
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