Monday, February 11, 2008

Internal v. external

Last week I talked about how I'd like to start changing my painting goals/orientation. I have become very External (see below). I would like to become more Internal, like I used to be.

External goals / viewpoint
- Trying to get into art shows
- Trying to get galleries
- Trying to get reactions from people
- Trying to sell paintings
- Trying to figure out what critics like
- Studying what art has "worked" before
- Analayzing the "contemporary art world"

Internal goals / viewpoint
- Trying to improve your painting ability
- Painting something you can hang on your walls
- Enjoying yourself
- Finding something fun to paint

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stumbled upon your blog while researching acrylics vs. oils in an attempt to figure out whether making a medium switch would be beneficial. After reading a few entries, I was amused with how similar some of our views are until I reached this entry.

- Trying to figure out what critics like
- Studying what art has "worked" before
- Analayzing the "contemporary art world"

Are all crap. And I mean this in an encouraging way.

I used to sit and thing of the same things, as all aspiring artists do I'm sure. But in order to "make it" as an artist you really need to completely remove these ideas from your head. What is much more important is doing something NEW and partly luck/timing on whether the public is ready for this style style.

Mr. Dali for example. Surrealism was had been around for about 10 years before he started in this style, but he did his own thing with it. Something new that intrigued people, and great timing when people were ready to accept this dreamy, sometimes very twisted, painting style. If he had come about 200 years earlier, he probably would've gone over like a wet fart.

All in all Im not trying to criticize, but encourage you. Being an aspiring artist is VERY frustrating, I know, but look towards developing your own style with a new kind of subject matter that YOU are drawn to and are passionate about. Then, if promoted properly, fame and the loss of a day job will come with time.

Hope this helps. Keep on painting, hopefully one of us makes it one of these days haha.

- Russo LoMada