Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Next painting started

I thought I'd take a break from all my recent art-philosophy posts and talk about what I'm currently working on. A couple of days ago I started my latest painting, which is a picture of an open refrigerator. It is 12x12", acrylic on panel. I haven't used acrylic for a while and I am liking its ease of use.
I am on vacation all next week and hopefully I will be able to finish the painting. The pic is pretty simple and doesn't have a lot of shading. It does however have a much larger number of hues than I usually use - I usually try to limit the hues so that the painting has a "unified" feel. However, this painting might benefit from having a lot of hues because I am trying to give a sort of "overwhelming" feel from all the different food items in the fridge.

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